Monday 19 April 2010

Why Diets Don't Work - The Non-Dieter Mindset

So you're probably asking, "so what is the alternative?" I can't manage my weight on my own. At least diets give me something I can follow and much needed discipline. If not a diet, then what?

Well before we go further into this subject let us discuss what you can expect from this article series. What it is not is a magic formula. A formula is great to predict chemical reactions with precise accuracy in a controlled environment. But you are not a predictable chemical reaction. Every person reading this book right now is in a different environment, under different circumstances. There is no one thing that will work for everyone. This is the premise of diets, and this is what we are trying to get away from.

What the Non-Dieter Mindset seeks to do however, is to promote the attitude of the nondieter; to attempt to deprogram you so that you will never put yourself through the agony of another diet again. Perhaps this is the question of the century, and there's hardly one answer to it. But if you've ever been on one or two or 50 diets, you've probably answered this question by way of a trail of stories from here to infinity. But really, there are 5 fundamental reasons why diets don't work in my opinion.

#1 Reason Diets Don't Work: They regulate and dictate to you what you should and should not eat, taking all of the pleasure out of eating, and making it feel like a chore.

Now probably you are that unique type of person who loves chores, but for most of us chores really suck. Having an enjoyable meal is one of the greatest pleasures of life, and to put it frankly, diets spoil all the fun. Most diets get the boot before they pay off in pounds lost what they cost in dollars. Let's face it; we humans are not very good at doing non-fun things for too long.

#2 Reason Diets Don't Work: Someone who has most likely never met you or knows the lifestyle that you lead is dictating to you a 'cookie cutter' magic weight-loss formula. If you're the regular dieter, then you've probably purchased oodles of books and guides and programs developed by this or that fitness guru. You believed what they say, because after all, they're the expert, right? Try as you may, if the diet plan they're offering does not fit into your lifestyle or requires a dramatic overhaul of your everyday life that you are either unable or not ready to take on, then you are not likely to stick with it.

#3 Reason Diets Don't Work: Putting all our eggs in one diet. Many see a diet as the end-all, magic solution which it was never meant to be. Diets are never meant to be longterm, but in most cases achieving and maintaining your desired weight is. There is the possibility that a diet, for the duration of time that it lasts, could initiate an improvement in your eating that you are able to carry through long-term. However, diets can't replace good and healthful everyday eating practices.

#4 Reason Diets Don't Work: There are just too many diets out there, making it easier for people to simply drop off one hot diet craze, to get on another. If you want to loose weight, like yesterday, then you want to see results quick, and most diets play on this urgency that most dieters have to loose that weight. In fact, they often use this as part of their pitch line. "Loose 50 pounds in two weeks". You're desperate and you would do anything, so why not try it? Two weeks later you've barely lost 5 pounds, and you're beyond despondent. So you try another diet, because something must work. Slowly you're becoming a chronic dieter, and the vicious diet cycle begins.

#5 Reason Diets Don't Work: One word-Deprivation. We are surrounded by a bountiful supply of exciting and varied foods, but many diets force you to deprive yourself of entire groups or types of food at a time. The High-Protein Diet (Anti-starch), the Juice Diet, even the Bread Diet. But what about all of the other foods out there? Self deprivation of this magnitude might pass for a day or two, but hardly survives for a long time.

Of course, there are methods that do work. The one I recommend the most (thought about this for hours...) is currently offering free trials. This is a method that does not require dieting to be effective! Check below:

Read the free reports here to see what I mean. Here's where you'll learn how to naturally lose weight fast.

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