Tuesday 7 September 2010

Why Supplements Are Necessary?

Many of us hate taking pills and we will do anything to avoid doing so. Sometimes however, there is no choice in the matter. The nutrition that we get from food is just not sufficient to keep us functioning like we were meant to. It could be that we do not eat correctly. In other words, we do not eat the recommended five fruits and vegetables every day, whole grain cereals and a little meat for our protein needs. We prefer to go past a fast food outlet where preparation time is quick and you get a burger within two minutes of ordering it. These fast foods are basically devoid of any essential nutrition, and are overloaded with cholesterol and trans fats, as well as various chemicals used in food production and preparation.

Vitamins and minerals are essential in order to maintain our bodies through a series of various metabolic reactions. These reactions require specific nutrients in order to function properly. We should be able to absorb these nutrients by eating a healthy balanced diet. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Years of mass production and factory farming have depleted essential nutrients from the soil. However, in its place, we have pesticides and pollution. As a result, food grown using these methods are far less nutritious than organically grown food, and they carry an abundance of chemicals and other pollutants.

In order to counter this, the supplement industry has exploded with many different supplements promising to restore health and vitality. These supplements come in various forms, which includes; vitamins, minerals, omega oils and various other substances. The amount of supplements sold today has ensured that the market has grown into a $25 billion industry.

Although we need supplements due to the inadequacies of our food supply, do these supplements actually work? Various studies have been done in order to test the effectiveness of supplements, and the following shocking facts were released; studies over the past two years has raised doubts as to whether supplements actually work. Researchers could not find any evidence that the use of multivitamins protected healthy people against chronic disease, nor did they prevent heart disease or strokes. In fact in some cases, they actually increase the risk of certain types of cancers because it is believed that these nutrients nourish tumors and encourage their growth.

This is a very scary thought. We know we need supplements because of the declining quality of food. However, is it worth taking them if they do not work? Do supplements work better in combinations? Does the multivitamin route cover all the bases? With more toxins entering our bloodstream every day, do antioxidants actually protect us? If so, how do they prevent us from developing chronic disease? Most prescription medication comes with side effects, but what about supplements? Are there any side effects that can be harmful for health? If so, why are they not listed on the warning leaflet in the same manner that prescription medication is?

One book that I found very interesting and highly recommend is the best selling book, "The 9 Steps to Keep the Doctor Away", which is written by Dr Rashid Buttar. Here you will learn in detail how toxins are absorbed into your body and reacts with healthy cells. You will also learn how probiotics actually work, and how they react to bad bacteria that have been discovered in the digestive tract. This book will also give you a better understanding on the effects of supplements. For more information on the bestselling book by Dr Rashid Buttar, please visit: http://www.the9steps.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_Bryce